Bad Lippspringe, Germany, is a twin town of Newbridge, County Kildare. They have a Newbridge Promenade with street signs in German and Irish.

Despite the sign I couldn't find information about a physical Bad Lippspringe Way in Newbridge, Ireland. However, there's a strong connection between Newbridge and the German town of Bad Lippspringe. They have been twin towns since 1997, celebrating their partnership with various events and exchanges.  

Here's what I found about the connection between Newbridge and Bad Lippspringe:

Twinning Relationship: Newbridge and Bad Lippspringe are twin towns, fostering a relationship marked by cultural exchanges, friendship, and mutual support.  
Regular Exchanges: The twinning relationship has led to regular visits between the two towns, with groups of people from both sides participating in cultural events, sports activities, and educational programs.  
Celebrations: The 25th anniversary of the twinning was marked with a series of events in 2022, including a special lunch, entertainment at Linear Park, and a visit to Bad Lippspringe by a group of 50 from Newbridge.  
Strong Bond: The connection between the two towns is evident in the warm relationships that have developed between individuals and organisations on both sides.

The name "Athgarvan" comes from the Irish language phrase "Áth Garbháin," which translates to "Garvan's ford." In Ireland roads are often named after their destinations, especially when they connect a major town to a smaller village or settlement. Given that Athgarvan Road leads directly from Newbridge to the village of Athgarvan, it's quite natural that it would take its name from the destination.

Beyond the name origin, here are some additional points of interest about Athgarvan Road and the surrounding area:

Historical Significance: Athgarvan itself has a history dating back centuries. There are records of a mill in the area as far back as the 1700s, and the village likely grew around this industry.
Location: Athgarvan Road is situated in Newbridge, County Kildare, Ireland. It connects the town of Newbridge to the nearby village of Athgarvan.
Modern Development: While Athgarvan retains its historical charm, it has also seen modern development in recent years, with new housing estates and amenities being built.
Community: The area is known for its strong sense of community, with various local clubs and organisations fostering a welcoming atmosphere.