• 2017 POLITICAL POSTERBack in 2017, this election poster posed the question: “Corbyn or May? Who can deliver a better future?” At that time, the political landscape was indeed in…
  • 20-24 BOLTON STREETThis is what the site, once a Texaco Service Station, looked like in May 2017 when BSS Bolton Street Services were based there.


  • ART BY CAIZI know nothing about the artist but I did manage to photograph her at work while it was a work in progress but I did not ask her name as I had assumed that the…
  • ARTIST UNKNOWNI stumbled upon this lovely painted cabinet in Clontarf, and it turns out there's a story behind it! A local gentleman told me it was painted by a young…


  • BELFAST EMPIRE MUSIC HALLThe Belfast Empire Music Hall, located at the junction of Cameron Street and Botanic Avenue, has a fascinating history that dates back to its origins as a…
  • BELFAST MAY 2017Extracts from the 2017 photo catalogue which was created and published by William Murphy
  • BELFAST STREET ARTIn 2017, Belfast's street art scene was a vibrant mix of political murals, emerging urban art, and growing commercial interest.
  • BLACK AND WHITE HALLThe most prominent statue is a bronze figure of Galileo Galilei, the renowned Italian astronomer and physicist. This statue, created by Pio Fedi, was installed…
  • BOTANIC GARDENSIn 2017, the Botanic Gardens in Belfast were a vibrant and popular destination, offering visitors a mix of historical charm, botanical beauty, and cultural…
  • BROKEN BUSBelfast has an extensive bus network, primarily operated by Translink. The Metro service is the main bus service for Belfast, operating throughout the city and…
  • BUOY PARK IN BELFASTThe collection of maritime buoys that I photographed in 2017 was at the time located in Cathedral Gardens, an area in front of St. Anne's Cathedral in Belfast,…
  • BY CLAIRE O'HAGANBy the way, the artist Claire O'Hagan is doing some really interesting things now with oil painting, exploring themes around the body and feminism.
  • BY ELLEN WEBBAs a traveller of public transport daily, I would love to see this artwork in a place that many buses pass by
  • BY HERBERT SIMMSHerbert George Simms (1898-1948) was a prominent Irish architect who left an indelible mark on Dublin's urban landscape.
  • BY KAT ENNIS - UPDATEThis painted utility box can be found on Conquer Hill, along Clontarf Road in Dublin 3. It offers a unique perspective on the coastal landscape, capturing the…
  • BY PAT LOUGHRANThis striking sculpture, titled "Meeting", was created by Irish artist Pat Loughran. Selected from the final year of sculpture students at the National College…


  • CHINESE PAGODABack in 1997 the city council, recognising the importance of China in the global economy, started making links with the world's largest emerging market and made…
  • CLONTARF BATHSThe Clontarf Baths have a long and interesting history. Built in 1864, they were originally known as the Clontarf Baths and Assembly Rooms. They were popular…
  • CLONTARF PIERClontarf Boat Slipway, which is a popular spot for launching small boats and kayaks, and also for swimming! It's located right by the Clontarf Yacht & Boat…


  • DUBBER CROSSIn May 2017 I decided to get a bus at random and see where it brought me. I ended up at a place known as Dubber Cross near Charlestown Shopping Centre which is…


  • FAMOUS GANTRY CRANESContrary to popular belief, the cranes are not relics of the Victorian era. Goliath, the smaller of the two at 315 feet, was erected in 1969, with Samson…
  • FISHERMEN MURALMagee's murals have a dreamlike quality, drawing you in with their flowing lines and muted colours. In "The Fishermen," the figures almost appear to be sculpted…
  • FORMER ORMEAU BAKERYThe Ormeau Bakery, established in 1875 by Robert Wilson, flourished under three generations of the Wilson family


  • GOLDENBRIDGE CEMETERYIn May 2017, this historic Dublin cemetery reopened its gates, offering new family burial plots for the first time in nearly 150 years. Prior to this, access…


  • INSCRIBED IN STONEIt's important to remember that while graffiti is often seen as vandalism today, it has a long and complex history that reflects the human desire to communicate…
  • INSCRIBED IN STONEIt's important to remember that while graffiti is often seen as vandalism today, it has a long and complex history that reflects the human desire to communicate…


  • JAFFE MEMORIAL IN BELFASTThe Jaffe Memorial Fountain, a gilded cast-iron structure, stands as a unique monument in Belfast's Victoria Square Shopping Centre. Commissioned in 1874 by…


  • McCLURE STREET AND CAMERON…In May 2017, I explored an unfamiliar area of Belfast, walking along McClure Street and Cameron Street, their boundaries blurring into one another.
  • MINI CLUBMANFirst Generation (1969-1980): The original Clubman was introduced as a slightly larger and more practical version of the classic Mini. It featured a squarer…



  • QUEENS UNIVERSITYThe difference in terminology between Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin is rooted in historical and cultural factors, rather than any…


  • REALLY TALL SCULPTUREI have fact-checked the information provided in various accounts and corrected the height of the sculpture, which is 39.3 metres, not 35.3 metres as sometimes…
  • RECLINING FIGUREThis striking bronze sculpture, "Reclining Figure", by Frederick Edward McWilliam (1909-1992), was relocated in 2013 from the David Keir Building quadrangle to…
  • RED BRICK WALLThese images, captured in May 2017 and remastered in July 2024, showcase the vibrant street art scene in Belfast. They feature the works of two renowned…


  • SCULPTURE BY ORLA DE BRIThis striking sculpture, "The Bastard Son of Sisyphus", by Orla de Brí, is located in Park West, Dublin. It offers a contemporary interpretation of the Greek…
  • SMALL DERELICT SITEBelfast's issue of dereliction is multifaceted and stems from various historical, infrastructural, economic, and social factors.
  • ST ANTHONY'S CHURCHMany are familiar with Saint Anthony’s Church on Clontarf Road, but fewer realise that the current parish church is actually situated behind an older building,…
  • ST JOHN THE BAPTISTSt John the Baptist Church on Clontarf Road is a Catholic church with a rich history dating back to the 19th century.


  • THE CAMPUSThe difference in terminology between Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin is rooted in historical and cultural factors, rather than any…
  • THE GATE LODGEThere were actually two gate lodges associated with Belfast Botanic Gardens, both with interesting histories
  • THE GIFT OF LIFEIn the tranquil setting of Belfast's Botanic Gardens, the Gift of Life Candle sculpture stands as a poignant tribute to the selfless individuals who have given…
  • THE MAIN GLASSHOUSEThe main glasshouse at Belfast Botanic Gardens is the Palm House. It is one of the earliest examples of a curvilinear cast-iron glasshouse and predates the…
  • THE MAOI SCULPTUREIt was presented to the City of Dublin by the Government of Chile in November 2004 as a symbol of friendship and cultural exchange between the two nations.
  • THE SON OF PROTAGORASMTO is a renowned street artist known for his politically charged murals in cities around the world. His true identity remains a mystery, adding to the allure…


  • VICTORIAN BANDSTANDThe bandstand, like its twin in Woodvale Park, is a testament to the popularity of outdoor music and entertainment in the early 20th century. These structures…
  • VICTORIAN SHELTERThe only information that I could find that related to the shelter was that there is an active charity with a mission to protect and maintain the Botanic…
  • VISUAL WASTEDean Kane, better known as "Visual Waste," has been an integral part of Belfast's burgeoning street art scene since at least 2017, when I first photographed his…
  • VOLVO FIRE ENGINEThe Volvo FM-330 SRT SRP (Specialist Rescue Pump) with registration number ERZ-9062, built by Browns, and call sign Romeo Tango 190 is a specific type of fire…


  • WAR MEMORIALThe War Memorial at Queen's University Belfast stands as a poignant tribute to the members of the university community who lost their lives in World War I and…
  • WAS MCCLURE DEPARTMENT STOREThis attractive building at the junction of McClure Street and Ormeau Road, formerly known as McClure's Department Store, has been converted into offices. This…
  • WHY THIS NAMEThe name comes from the resemblance of the number “1” to an eye, specifically the shape of the letter “I.” So when the bingo caller announces “Kelly’s Eye,”…